
Hall Of Fame
End Year Awards
Match Index

Superstar of the Year
Tag Team of the Year
2009: "The Fly Guy" William Weiss
2010: "The Brooklyn Bad Boy" Chris Vaude
2011: "The Suplex Machine" David Myers
2009: The Brothers of Blood (Vampiro & The Demon)
2010: The Brothers of Blood (Vampiro & Sentinel)
Stable of the Year
Rookie of the Year
2009: The Brothers of Blood
2010: The Brothers of Blood
2011: Hall of Fame Alliance
2009: "The Angel of Sin" Talon
2010: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
2011: "The Monser" Abyss
Diva of the Year
Authority of the Year
2009: "Evil Angel" Stacy Craven
2010: Awesome Kong
2011: Awesome Kong
2009: "$$$" Vic Vegas
2010: Andy Talon
2011: Allyson Craven
Who to watch for next year?
Fued of the Year
2009: Austin Aries
2010: True Dipshit Playa
2011: Trench K. Oiyami
2009: Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels
2010: Chris Craven vs. Chris Vaude
2011: David Myers vs. Max Payne

Pay-Per-View of the Year


2009: Wrestlemania IX
2010: Power Play
2011: Wrestlemania XI


Match of the Year
2009: Devin Devine vs. AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries vs. Jamie Noble (Ultimate X, Power Play)
2010: Chris Craven vs. Vic Craven (Hangman's Horror Match, Wrestlemania X)
2011: David Myers vs. Shawn Hacaga (Street Fight, Genocide)

Moment of the Year

2009: Cactus Jack returning to defeat The Undertaker at Power Play.
2010: Max Payne and Darien Hacaga return and announced as the owners of IWAODF Inc.
2011: David Myers hooking Triple H up for the Myers Plex on the ring apron, flipping HHH into the barricade.

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